As a student, you are required to write an analytical essay as part of your coursework. When writing an analytical essay, you are required to give an analysis with supporting evidence about a particular topic or artwork. This article gives you a guide on how to write a good analytical essay.
What is an Analytical Essay? An analytical essay is a type of essay that requires you to give an evidence-based argument on a particular topic, book, film, literature work, publication, theory, and various forms of artwork.. Examples of analytical essays include newspapers and academic writing that analyzes a particular theme. Using this article as a guide, you will compose a good analytical essay coursework homework.
How to write analytical essay
Below is how to write an analytical essay:
- Choose a topic
When writing an analytical essay, you are required to choose a good topic if you were not assigned the essay’s topic. You should choose a topic that you understand and can create an evidence-based argument about it. You should brainstorm various topics and choose the one that you clearly understand and are most interested in.
- Conduct an in-depth research
You should conduct in-depth research on the topic to come up with fact-based information for your essay. When conducting the research, you should use primary sources of data where you get the information from firsthand research like observations or use secondary sources of data like books, publications, theories, or the internet. Your essay should have evidence-based information that supports your topic, hence, conducting research is very vital.
- Write an analytical essay outline
A typical analytical essay outline helps you to properly organize your ideas from the information you got when conducting the research. In the essay outline, you should write an analytical thesis statement of your essay, the topic sentences of the body paragraphs of your essay, and also various key points that you will include in your essay. Writing an outline makes it easier once you start writing your essay since you use it as a guide for your essay.
- Write your analytical essay
After conducting the above steps, you can now write your analytical essay. Below is the analytical essay format:
a) Analytical Essay Introduction
When writing an analytical essay introduction, you should start with a hook or rhetorical question to grasp the reader’s attention. You should give background information about your topic and a brief summary of what your essay will entail. You should complete your introduction paragraph with a well-stated thesis statement that states the main theme of the essay and generally what your essay will talk about.
b) Analytical essay body
The analytical essay body describes the thesis statement in depth. It has body paragraphs that contain a unique key point on the essay’s topic. You should write well-constructed paragraphs which have a topic sentence that introduces the key point of the paragraph, mid-sentences that have fact-based data or examples on the key point, and a concluding sentence that sums up the paragraph.
An analytical essay can be a 5 paragraph essay with an introduction paragraph, 3 paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph or it can be a long piece of writing depending on the word count of the assignment. When writing the body paragraphs of an analytical essay, you should use the correct transitional words to start the next body paragraph. In addition, you should always properly cite your work as per the academic writing format instructed to use.
c) Analytical essay conclusion
The analytical essay conclusion sums up the essay. You should mention the thesis statement and support it with the key points in the body paragraph. If you are carrying out an analysis on a theory or artwork you should state whether you agree or disagree with it after carrying out the analysis.
You should not introduce new evidence in the conclusion since the conclusion is mainly the summation of the whole essay. After the conclusion, write down the references of the sources you cited your essay from. The references should be written as per the academic writing format instructed to use.
- Proofread and edit your essay
After you complete your analytical essay, proofread it several times to remove any errors. You can run your essay on Grammarly to remove any mistakes you missed when proofreading. After proofreading and editing your essay, you can submit it for marking.
The above steps show how to write a good analytical essay, you should follow each of them when writing your essay. In addition, you can research various analytical essay examples to gain more knowledge on how to write an analytical essay.
Writing an Effective Analytical Essay Summary
An effective analytical summary contains key points on what to include in your essay once you start writing it. When writing an analytical essay summary, you should note down the main points and separate them with supporting evidence and examples. You should write a clear summary of how you want your essay to look.
In addition, the summary should also contain the thesis statement of your essay. The thesis helps you generate ideas about your essay’s topic. In the summary, write brief and complete points that you can easily interpret once you begin writing the analytical essay.
Good Tips on How to Write an Analytical Essay
Below are good tips on how to write an analytical essay:
- Read and follow all the instructions
When you are assigned an analytical essay, you should carefully read and understand all the given instructions. Once you begin writing your essay, follow each given instruction including the word count and the writing format. You should always ensure you do not deviate from the theme throughout the essay.
- Plan your work
Before you start writing your analytical essay, you should plan your work by writing an analytical essay outline. The outline will help you to properly analyze your thoughts by drafting the important points from the research. Always carry out in-depth research on the topic, you should not rely on one source for research. Use various academic sources and also primary sources of data. Planning your work before writing your essay makes it easier to compose the essay since you have an outline that can guide you.
- Write an original essay
You should write an original analytical essay. Avoid copy-pasting from various academic sources since you can easily be caught for plagiarized work. Once caught for plagiarism, you can face harsh academic repercussions. If you have to copy a quote or certain information, always use quotation marks and mention the source of the information.
- Employ multimedia components
By including multimedia in your analytical essay for example images, videos, or audio recordings, the reader’s attention is raised and the analysis becomes more vivid. If you are composing an analytical essay on a piece of art you would incorporate images of the object in your essay to visually illustrate and support your view. This tactic can help your writing come alive and be more intriguing while also helping to clarify concepts.
Use the above tips on how to write an analytical essay and you will get a good grade in your analytical essay. For a better understanding of how to compose your analytical essay, you can read more analytical essay samples.
Analytical essay topics
Choosing the best analytical topic essay topic should be your top priority since your entire essay will be about the topic. Always choose a topic you are passionate about and you can compose a good analytical essay about it. When you choose a topic you are interested in, writing the essay becomes easier since you also want to learn more about the topic. Below are analytical essay topics you can choose from:
- Why do the elderly have a high risk of getting diseases?
- How did coronavirus affect humanity?
- The importance of conserving the environment
- Why do people get depressed?
- Should everyone have access to free healthcare
- Analyze the influence of social media on adolescents
- Why the government should eradicate poverty
- How to get rid of an addiction
- Causes of suicidal thoughts
- Pros and cons of virtual learning
- Why are people living with HIV&AIDS stigmatized?
- Why do people have insomnia
- Is a plant-based diet the best diet?
- Analyze alcohol consumption among college students
- Why do people fight for equality?
- Benefits of having a balance between work life and social life
- What causes a lack of motivation?
- How to boost academic performance
- How does obesity affect your mental health?
- Analyze the benefits of having a clean environment
- How divorce affects the child’s mental health
- Is narcist personality disorder curable?
- How can the government curb criminal activities?
- Analyze the efficiency of a teamwork
- Positive and negative effects of artificial intelligence
To sum up
Writing an analytical essay requires you to carry out an extensive analysis of a particular topic and compose an essay on it. This article gives you a proper step-by-step guide on how to write a good analytical essay. If you need help with your analytical essay, we provide professional coursework writing services.