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A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write a Nursing Thesis

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Write a Nursing Thesis

Nursing thesis

Writing a nursing thesis is a requirement before completing your master’s or degree program. It is a long document based on original research on a particular issue in nursing or healthcare in general. This article gives you a step-by-step guide on how to write a nursing thesis.

When writing a nursing thesis assignment, you are required to choose a particular issue in nursing or the healthcare system and try to solve it by carrying out research and coming up with findings and recommendations on how to solve the issue. You should carry out a literature review on various academic sources including books, theories, journals, and internet blogs. You are also required to collect raw data and carry out statistical analysis to come up with the correct results of the study.

How to write a nursing thesis

Below is the format of how to write a nursing thesis:

1. Choose a topic

When writing a nursing thesis, you should identify a problem in the nursing field or healthcare that you will like to solve. This will be the topic of your thesis thus you should ensure you clearly understand it. Your thesis supervisor should approve your thesis topic before you start writing it. You then conduct extensive research on the topic and write a research outline that you will use as a guide when you start writing your nursing thesis.

2. Write the preliminary pages

The preliminary pages include:

a) Title page

On the title page, you should write: your name, affiliation, and degree. You can also include the name of your thesis supervisor name, however, it depends on the requirements of your institution.

b) Dedication page

On this page, you mention the people you are dedicating to your nursing thesis.

c) Acknowledgment page

On this page, you appreciate everyone that assisted you in carrying out the research for your thesis. For instance, your classmates or your thesis supervisor.

d) Table of content page

Reader navigation is made easier by the table of contents. When writing the table of content, you should include all the headings, subheadings, and page numbers., Microsoft Word creates a table of contents by using heading styles. Once you create a table of content, you can easily jump right to a particular section of the document by selecting a particular header.

e) List of tables and figures page

On this page, you list the tables and figures in the nursing thesis. Figures feature diagrams and graphics whereas tables have rows and columns. You should list the tables and figures separately. You should also give them page numbers for simpler navigation.

f) List of abbreviations page

On this page, you write all of the acronyms used in the nursing thesis. It aids the reader in understanding what various acronyms mean. For example, the UN stands for United Nations.

g) Definition of terms page

On this page, you define complex terms used in the nursing thesis which the reader might not be familiar with. You should list them alphabetically.

h) Abstract page

The abstract summarizes your nursing thesis by giving the reader a brief explanation of what your thesis contains. It should be a maximum of one page. You should write it after completing your nursing thesis since it contains the research subject, objectives, data collection techniques used, a findings summary, and a conclusion.

3. Introduction

After the preliminary pages, you write the introduction. You should write an interesting introduction that piques the audience’s attention. In the introduction, you should describe your nursing thesis topic and why you researching it. You should also write a clear thesis statement that describes what your nursing thesis will entail.

After writing the introduction paragraph, you then write the other parts of the introduction which include: the background of the study which shows how you generated the ideas of the study and it includes the different area codes perspective of the study and the company profile in which you will conduct your research from, statement of the problem which describes the problem you are researching, the objective of the study which describes the objectives the thesis is trying to achieve, research questions which are the objectives of the study in question form, justification of the study which describes why the research is being conducted and the various people or organizations affected and finally the scope of the study which is the organization or area the research of the nursing thesis is being conducted.

4. Literature review

The literature review entails the various study materials used when researching for the nursing thesis. You should describe the importance of the literature review and why you are conducting the research by analyzing various kinds of literature that answer your research questions.

The parts of the literature review include a theoretical review in which you describe various theories that solve your research problem, a literature review of study variables in which you explain both the independent and dependent variables, a conceptual framework in which you draw the study variables in a diagram, empirical review in which you describe any additional literature that is relevant to your research, critique of existing literature in which you describe if the existing literature of your topic were written correctly, research gaps in which you describe the research gaps that your nursing thesis will fill and the also research gaps previous works of literature about your topic of study and finally summarize the entire literature review chapter.

5. Research methodology

You should describe the methodology you will use to achieve the results of the study. It consists of the research design, the target population, the sampling strategy, the sample size, the sampling frame, the data collecting tools, the data collection process, the pilot study, and the analysis of the data processing. Through this, you will conduct a statistical analysis of the raw data collected and come up with the results.

6. Findings and discussion

You write the background information, response rates, results from pilot test studies, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics. the outcomes of the data collection tool you used. You also describe how you analyzed the quantitative data you obtained using your data-gathering tool.

7. Conclusion and recommendation

You sum up the entire nursing thesis in the conclusion by giving an exact response to the main study question. The conclusion summarizes the key study findings s and evaluates them against the goals. You should also include ideas for follow-up studies. In addition, write the recommendations for solving your research problem.

8. References

You should list all the academic materials that you cited your work from. The format of writing the references should be as per the writing style instructed to use when writing your nursing thesis.

9. Appendices

When writing the appendices, you write several parts which include: a letter of introduction, data collection method, for example, questionnaire, work plan, and budget for your research.

Using the format above you will be able to compose a good nursing thesis. You can also research various nursing thesis samples to clearly grasp how to write a nursing thesis which is most likely a 3000-word essay. In addition, if you need help with your nursing thesis, we provide nursing thesis writing services.

Nursing thesis statement

A nursing thesis statement is a statement that describes what your nursing thesis or essay will entail. It generally summarizes the key point of your entire thesis or essay. It is preferably written as the last sentence of the introduction paragraph. Below is nursing statement thesis examples:

  1. The accessibility of quality healthcare services in third-world countries is difficult due to high poverty levels, lack of enough healthcare personnel, and poor governance.
  2. One can considerably increase the quantity and quality of life by exercising regularly and following a healthy diet.

You can research various thesis statements for nursing essays to understand how to write a good thesis statement for your essays or nursing thesis.

Nursing thesis topics

When choosing your nursing thesis topic, you should choose it from various nursing thesis ideas. Below are various nursing thesis topic ideas you can choose from:

Nursing thesis topic ideas

  1. How coronavirus affected the nurses
  2. Staffing issues in nursing
  3. The importance of primary care delivery
  4. Impact of telehealth on patient care
  5. Causes and treatment intervention of hypertension
  6. Comparison of traditional and modern medication
  7. Benefits of daily vitamins daily intake
  8. Effects of lack of teamwork among the nurses
  9. Benefits of healthcare insurance
  10. Benefits of having a healthy lifestyle

Pediatric nursing thesis topics

  1. Causes and prevention of malnutrition in children
  2. Benefits of vaccination
  3. Treatment methods of seizure in children
  4. Analyzing the rise of obesity in children
  5. Antibiotic resistance in children
  6. Trends in pediatric nursing
  7. How can the government prevent child abuse?
  8. Causes and treatment of common measles in children
  9. Stages of cognitive development
  10. Main causes of autism in children

You choose one of the nursing thesis topics above for your nursing thesis. In addition, you can also research various nursing thesis examples to brainstorm nursing thesis topic ideas for your nursing thesis.

In summary

Writing a nursing thesis paper can be challenging due to the research required and correctly analyzing the information from the research in various sections. You can use this article as a guide to write a nursing thesis. If you need help with your nursing thesis, we provide professional thesis writing services.

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